Thursday, December 18, 2008

Terror Trial - India Shivering

Attack- attack -attack,, one more attack, not in the national capital, not in the I.T capital and not in the capital city of Indian desert state but this time it's in the spinal cord city of Indian economy, the commercial capital of Indian republic- Mumbai. Once again Mumbai came to a standstill but with a difference. This time there was not the bomb blasts which occurred in moments and leave Mumbai bleeding, wounded and crying, but this time these were the suicide attacks goes on for a long 59 hours and Mumbai was bleeding, wounded, crying & yet helpless all that tenure of 59 hours. More then 100 crores of Indian citizens were struggling for their status and self respect against just a no. of ten militants for a long 59 hours gun battle. Once again we were a failure in our self defense & Security.
India is facing terrorism from the last three decades and understands all the ill effects and threats of terrorism but still after every terrorist attack there is a question mark on our intelligence and security forces & their respective departments. This is not that our security forces are not aware about this concern. They are working properly & efficiently. The reports nowadays are coming that the Indian security & intelligence departments were aware of such threats but still we were the victim. The attack on Taj or trident hotel was meant not only to kill Indians but also foreign nationalists. The attack on Taj can be referred to be an attack on our tourism industry because not only the status and security of Tata's matters for our economy but also killing of foreign nationalists will force them thinking twice before coming & investing in India. The Attack on Nariman Point which is the residence place of Jewish families there reflects that whoever is related to the enemy of any Jihadi terrorist group is the enemy of every jehadi group anywhere in the world which proves the unity and cooperation of all the jehadi terrorists groups all around the world. type="text/javascript">
The 59 hours long drama experienced a successful Indian commando's action. Instead of negotiating with those suicide attackers which have saved many innocent life's, the commando action was the necessity and demand of that time to save the Indian self respect and prestige and to send a strong message to such militants that India is not going to forgive anyone anymore now onwards.
The first reason for such incidents is the lack of co-operation between our intelligence and security forces. The three Armed Forces, Central Police, NSG, CBI, RAW, IB etc. are under the union govt. and CID, State Police force etc. Are under State Govt's. Actual our Security as well as intelligence departments are very deeply under Political pressure and impression of the Respective govt. Authorities. So I want to say that politics is an indirect main reason behind for their uncooperative nature and attitude towards each other. So due to lack of political will and lack of cooperation between different state govt's. With each other as well as with central govt., their respective departments and its authorities are also non-cooperative and can't work without govt. permission. Also our intelligence as well as security forces have no such power to initialize any action against anyone without govt. permission.
After every attack just a central or a state committee or commissions is framed to make a detailed report about the reason behind the incident and the steps to be taken to prevent such acts in future but no step is taken forward even after the submission of such reports. I think our intelligent forces whether state or central should be reconstituted under a neutral agency directly under the president of India which has the required no of powers to invest and to take any action against anyone, anytime & anywhere in India. type="text/javascript">
In India I never like one political stunt. The tradition of resignations. After every such terrorist activity whoever in the opposition in state o centre starts demanding the resignation of CM, PM, Union & Central Home ministers, defense minister etc. For what are these Resignations? Only a political drama. This time Shiv raj patil, R.R Patil, Bilas Rao deshmukh resigned from their respective ministries taking the moral responsibility of the 26/11 attack. So if they themselves taking responsibility, it means they are guilty, so they should be trialed in a court and should be punished for their irresponsible nature for their task. If such mistake has been done by a govt. official whether he is a Peon or The Joint Secretary of India, he has been not only suspended but also a team got setup against him and he has been charged with criminal offence against the country in a Special Court to punish him. But these rules are not applicable for the politicians; they will be awarded ministries after some time with more dignity. The time after such attack is very important, instead of doing some hard work to regularize and to get their mistakes correct they just put down their papers declaring themselves coward & useless.
I was surprised that how much the other nations are selfish. For the very first time after a terrorist attack US Secretary of State Condozila Rice & defeated US President ship candidate Mr. Mac-main visited India because this attack was not only targeting Indian but also the foreign nationalists including US citizens. So her visit was not meant that US is concerned about India and its citizens but they are concerned for their people and investments done by them in India, as 10% of total killed were foreign nationalists this time. Also I was very much surprised when the defeated US President ship candidate Mr. Mac-main was asking India not to attack Pakistan due to these attacks; I want to ask him that whether we have asked him for his advice or whether America has consulted with India before attacking Afghanistan and innocent IRAQ. type="text/javascript"> Yeah his time India will take an action not because its people are killed but this time foreign nationalist have been killed. So far the sake of the foreign nationalists and the pressure from their respective countries for the security of people, India will take a concrete and quick action. So at least for the sake of the foreigners only, India will take an appropriate, quick & effective action which will be implemented strictly for success.
Now firstly India should setup a federal intelligence agency with required power and machinery. Secondly the intelligence bureau forces whether central or state as well as state police forces should be upgraded with more advance technology, machinery and should be trained well to tackle such situations effectively. Advanced technology like using of a satellite for the internal security of India should be there. Thirdly a new anti terror law more effective than TADA or POTA should be framed and implemented quickly. The economical resources of them and their near and dear ones should be seized, not like of the case of Dawood Ibrahim. He is on the hit list of India and still his near ones of his blood relations control a large illegal business houses and buildings in Mumbai and its sub urbs and other parts of the country. Fourthly a quick and concrete action should be taken against those who are behind such attacks whether those are terrorists groups located anywhere or any country involved in such activity against India to give a strong message to them.
We have the one of the largest & effective armed forces of the world. Our intelligence is also very strong. But the political shadow on our security forces keeps their hands tied and they can't take any step without proper permission which is time wasting and result in our failure. The 1962 indo-china war or the 1999 kargil war are the perfect examples. Such things decrease the moral and confidence of our security forces. Once I have a talk with a military personal when Indian forces were deployed on borders after the parliament attack. That military personal was never posted on border or J&K till then but he was very eager to be posted on border to fight against Indian enemy across the border. He was saying " Bus ab bahut ho chukka, ab to aar ja paar" but Indian forces were called back after several months without any action and such steps hampers the moral and self confidence of our Security forces and their personals. type="text/javascript">
And at last my humble request to our dear politicians that we are the 1/6th of the total people of the world and we are dividing ourselves. We should cooperate and work together. We should be united for a peace ful and prosperous India but your intentions are different. You are using the policy of British era of Divide and Rule. Please don't divide us on the name of Caste, Creed, and Language or on the name of State or territories. Politicians have their existence and fighting only because country is there and they will be nothing without Country. So please not be a Kashmiri, Punjabi, Guajarati, Marathi, Bihari, Bengali, Tamil or teleugu, try to be an Indian. Jai Hind.